first off...i'm wearing this great new jacket for the first time:
secondly, this weather is just...sigh :)

because of this lovely day, i was able to eat my lunch in the park, walk through the mud barefoot and read my favorite part in catching fire while i was sitting in the sun, sun, sun! (p.s. my favorite part is when her dress turns into a mockingjay. cinna is just one of the most phenomenal characters.
and now? now i'm sitting in muggswigz drinking coffee and attempting to write a paper.
and i just got off the phone with someone from giant eagle who informed me that i get to move to the next step in their interview process :)
what a grand day.
days like this remind me of how beautiful God is and how wonderful He was to bless us with such a wonderful world.
also, this weather makes me miss andrew a lot more than usual. if he were here, we would walk to the library or in the pretty neighborhood or to the park. it would have been a great day and i would have had some company. as it is, i'm having a pretty great day, just solo.
now about this paper...
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