-students who use flash cards will do better if the card is round. a circle is the most recognizable shape and students can focus better because the round shape is less distracting than squares or rectangles
- movement is the only experience that unites all brain levels and integrates the left and right hemisphere of the brain in young students.
- thematic instruction improves learning by helping students to identify patterns and build on prior knowledge
-analogies, similes and metaphors enhance learning by linking abstract concepts and visualizations.
-the brain is not wired for long attention spans. attention is focused in short bursts. the optimum sustained attention span is roughly equivalent in minutes to the child's age.
YAY holistic classrooms and student-centered teaching! i love when scientists figure out that humans are totally not designed to learn primarily through rote memorization and drills, etc.
creative teaching!
thanks to my textbook (Characteristics of and Strategies for Teaching Students with Mild Disabilities).
i thoroughly enjoyed reading this section...
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