Haha...I'm apparently really bad at keeping up with the blog.
Since my last post, a few things have happened:
1. Jesus rose from the dead! Pascha was gorgeous. It was wonderful to
see all of my newly-illumined brothers and sisters experience the
absolute joy of the day for the first time. And, it is so wonderful to still
be singing "Christ is Risen". For some reason this year, the Pascha
service felt shorter than it ever has, and the 40 days following have felt
way longer than they usually do, which is nice. I like singing "Christ is
Risen" and "The Angel Cried" for such an extended period of time. It's
helpful to remind all of us about how important Christ's resurrection was and still is.
That was something else that made Pascha absolutely
incredible. Here we are the night that he got home. This
picture was taken several hours after he got off his flight from
England, and after he had only had about 2 hours of sleep in
24 hours. Poor guy...he was totally exhausted. But it's so, so,
so wonderful to have him home again. Of course, now that it's
summer and we both have to work a lot, we aren't really able
to see each other a lot, but it's still great to know that he's only
a half hour away :) I love this guy like CRRRRRAZY!
3. Chorale tour. We wandered through various places in Ohio,
went to Rochester NY, and finally ended up at Niagara Falls.
Although the actual places that we visited tended to be kinda
lame (except for Rochester and a small town in Ohio called
Granville), it was wonderful to spend so much time with such
a fantastic group of people. I miss everybody a lot. Especially
my tour roommate and wonderful friend, Alex (who is actually
in Italy right now...). I can't wait for Chorale stuff next year :)
Since getting back from tour, very little has happened. Just work. And housework. And for some reason no blogging...which is going to change. Happy summer!
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